Thursday, February 9, 2012

Another Dad Blog

Welcome to "The Imperfect Dad."

I know.  Just what the web, nay, dare I say the world needs most: another dad blog.  The couple billion or so other ones just weren't quite enough.

Well, it's fortunate for me that I'm not writing for the world, or the web.  I'm writing for me, for my wife, and for my kids. If anyone else who reads these posts finds something that they can relate to, or that they find humorous, or entertaining, or of any interest at all, then that is just a welcome bonus.

It is not my goal to offer any parenting advice.  Actually, I am probably one of the last people that I would go to for parenting advice.  It is simply my goal to capture a few snapshots of the world, at a given point in time, through my eyes; the eyes of a 35 year old dad.  

Like many parents, I did very little to prepare for becoming a parent, until I became a parent.  My twenties were spent working labor and service jobs, traveling, and partying.  I made a lot of great memories, but accomplished very little that has helped me provide for my young family today.  In fact, I didn't even begin to plan for college until I was 29 and my son was on his way.  As a result, the past five years have been a little bit of a struggle.  I started my freshman year of college as a 32 year old self-employed carpenter with a recently unemployed wife, a 2 year old son, and a 3 month old daughter.  Since then I have finished an AS for Engineering, and I am 3 months away from a BS for Biomedical Engineering.  We still live in a 2 bedroom apartment, we still live paycheck to paycheck, and we still cut things so close that we occasionally find a 15 day eviction notice on our door, but that will hopefully be changing soon.  

For the next three months, this blog will serve little purpose other than to capture my thoughts.  I may talk about my fish.  I may talk about the struggle to balance family, work, and school.  I may talk about the decision between job and grad school.  I really don't know what I will talk about, but I do know that I will talk about it as an imperfect dad.  



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